Who We Are

Our Story

Valley Christian Church has a rich history. God began moving among us in the region even before the city of Valley Center, KS had officially existed. Encouraged by traveling evangelists, we began to gather for worship God. We called ourselves “Christians only” as we had roots in Restoration Movement. This movement sought to restore New Testament Christianity and eliminate denominational distinctions. In 1885 we constructed a white framed building that served as our first permanent gathering place. And in 1895 we issued our charter and formally became The Church of Christ of Valley Center Kansas. We have also been known over the years as First Christian Church and Valley Center Christian Church. God continues to do his work through us. So, it is our ambition to be faithful with the legacy of ministry he has entrusted to us.

Our Core Beliefs

In all matters of faith and practice, the Bible is our final authority. We hold to certain essential core beliefs of the Christian Faith. In matters where the Bible is silent, each person must seek God’s will for his or her life. This must always be done so in love, without judging other believers. In such matters we  realize that each of us is responsible to God and strive to maintain the unity described in the Bible.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to glorify God by being a community of believers who are following Jesus Christ and becoming like him.

Our Vision

We are intentional about becoming more like Jesus, so we have structured our ministry efforts accordingly. We encourage habits that will help people grow closer to God and become more like him. We are striving to become a community of believers who are following Jesus and becoming like him through worship, spiritual growth, and service. 

Worship   Grow   Serve

Our Values

The Pursuit of God

We seek to know God more fully and glorify him more extensively by taking our next step in becoming like Jesus.

Love for People

We recognize the extreme worth of all people and care about them enough to help them move one step closer to Jesus through our words and actions.

Truth with Grace

We speak and live God’s Word in love, being patient and helpful to all as each grows toward maturity.

Togetherness with Authenticity

We cultivate relationships in humility to maintain genuine unity as we grow in awareness of God, others, and self.

A Legacy of Faithfulness

We aim for generational faithfulness, being grateful for the faithfulness of those who preceded us and being faithful to bless those after us.

Excellence in Ministry

We give our best to God by using the gifts he has given each of us to minister to others intentionally, creatively, and sacrificially.

The Celebration of God

We declare the goodness of God to all creation, rejoicing and
giving thanks for all he does in us, through us, and for us.